
At Home Comb Outs

We offer our product line for curbside pickup or shipped directly to your house! To order, visit our online store.  Every purchase comes with over the phone lice advice from one of our trained clinicians.


There are several reasons a family doesn’t want to get a full treatment. Our commitment to our community is to get and keep everyone lice free, and we are willing to do whatever to takes to achieve that. We sell everything that we use in our in-clinic services.


Here’s a quick run through for those of you at home. The comb out procedure is the same one that we use here, for both head checks and comb outs.


Basic Instructions

  • Divide hair into four portions and clip to keep it out of the way. Measure the middle part from the forehead above the nose to the middle of the neck, and side to side from ear to ear.
  • Start at the bottom of the head, right above the neck. Take down and comb portions of an inch at a time. Put the hair above it back in the clip so you won’t get it mixed up.  Comb using our Slippery Nit Saline Spray or dry.
  • This MUST be done every day. Try to go through the entire head. It will take between 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the head.
  • The first day you apply goop is Day 1. Comb through the hair every day until you have had four comb-outs without finding a nit. On days 1, 10 and 20, use KLC Treatment Goop. This will kill anything that might have hatched from a missed nit. 

Things To Remember!!

  • The flat of the comb must touch the scalp. Lice lay eggs as close to the skin as possible, so you have to get as close as you can to the skin to get all the nits. 
  • Comb downwards, through the previous section. This ensures you won’t miss nits at the part lines. 
  • When you start the next section, make sure you get the part line. 
  • At the end, go over “hot spots” again (behind the ears, all along the hair line, the center part line). 

KLC Treatment Goop needs to cover every hair from root to tip. Make sure you cover the wispy hairs around the face and neck.  Wash out with KLC Clarifying Shampoo.

Pesticides, pregnancy, and protecting your children.

Head lice is typically thought of to be a children’s problem, but did you know 80% of moms catch lice? Our moms are our safe place, and all those cuddles, hugs, bed sharing, and story time on mom’s lap means mom can catch lice pretty easily. Mom is also usually the one doing the hours and hours of combing, which can spread lice (momma, keep your hair under a shower cap when combing out nits!). But what do you do when you’re pregnant? Or if you have a small child with lice? The pesticides in most lice treatments have been linked to some pretty nasty stuff.


Our Headwinds device uses technology to dehydrate nits without chemicals. That makes it safe for pregnant mothers and children! Our dimethicone rinse kills everything crawling within 10 minutes, and is completely non-toxic. For children too young for our Headwinds treatment, dimethicone and combing is a great option that actually works. We are always willing to answer questions and go over comb out methods! Keeping your family safe is important to us. Our lice treatments can get you lice free without any of the risks associated with OTC or prescription treatments, and no combing at home!


Click here to book now, or here for more information on our procedures.

Differently Abled and Lice Treatment

Lice is a huge problem for every family, but differently abled families have different concerns. Since we opened, we’ve had several new experiences and our staff has made each person comfortable while we got rid of their lice.

For our non-verbal clients, we explain the procedure and book the appointment via text. They are able to communicate with our clinician using texting on their phone without a problem.

Our sensory clients, or those who are non-verbal and too young to text, generally play on a tablet during treatment. We provide Amazon Kindles that are child locked to age appropriate games. Parents, guardians, or siblings are encouraged to stay close by and talk or hold hands with them while we work together to make sure treatment is as fast and comfortable as possible. We take as many breaks as the client needs. If a heat treatment is too much, we transition right into a comb out and teach the parents or guardians how to do it at home, for maximum success.

For infants or toddlers, we generally let a parent or guardian hold them on their lap during a head check or comb out. They feel safe on someone’s lap, and we are able to do our job quickly and completely without anyone having a melt down.

Our parking lot has a handicapped space, and none of our furniture is bolted down. We can adjust our clinic to your needs, ensuring you get the best possible environment.


Our main goal is to get and keep our community here in Tennessee lice free, and we are willing to do whatever it takes to fit the needs of that community. If you have a disability, or any general concerns about you or your loved ones, please call us and let us know.