What to Expect During a Treatment at Knoxville Lice Clinic

So, you’ve tried all the home remedies and over-the-counter treatments, yet you still can’t get rid of those little bugs plaguing your child’s hair. Now you’ve got an appointment at Knoxville Lice Clinic which specializes in getting rid of lice. You’re relieved that the end of the itching is near, but anxious of what crazy treatment they’ll use on you. You’re not sure your 3-year-old can sit through another round of combing…

Does this sound familiar at all? Well, worry no more, for here’s exactly what to expect during treatment!

First, you’ll pull up to the clinic and chuckle to yourself at the bright green door and the poofy hats we wear (we don’t want to get lice either!). Fast-forward through the paperwork, and we take you back to one of our three treatment rooms. Then the “dreaded” treatment starts!

Huh, it’s not so bad! We always start by checking everyone’s head to make sure they have lice. We use a special comb and start searching the spots lice love the most. If nothing comes up at first, we’ll separate your hair into sections and comb through it all to make sure we don’t miss anything. If we find something, we make sure to look at it under a microscope to see if it’s lice. If we find nothing, then you’re in the clear! However, we’ll still ask you to sit and wait for your whole family to be checked before we let you leave.

If you do have lice, then we proceed with one of our three treatments. Our most popular is the full-service treatment that consists of the heat treatment, another combing, and an application of our Treatment Goop. We also offer a quicker, short-form version that skips the second hair combing. 

Oh no! What if your child is younger than 4 or can’t receive the heat treatment? No fear, because we also offer a no-heat saline treatment for little kiddos and those who can’t have the full-service or short-form treatment. *If you choose the saline treatment, we will spray your hair with some salty, lemony spray and go onto the combing.

If you choose to proceed with the full-service or short-form treatment, we’ll turn on our heat machines and use their elephant nose attachment to dry up any lice eggs on your head. This part takes about 30 minutes, but our kids’ tablets make it seem like a snap. Many people actually like this step, they say it feels like a warm head massage! And don’t worry, if it ever gets too warm, just tell us and we can take a short break.

After your hair has been thoroughly blown around or sprayed with saline spray, we repeat the combing step. If you choose the short-form treatment, we skip this step. But don’t worry, either way you will leave lice-free (any bugs or nits remaining will be dead, the combing is just cosmetic!). 

Now we’re almost there! Our last step is a clear, oily dimethicone goop that makes sure any remaining adult lice will get killed. Everyone will receive this goop, even if they didn’t have lice. However, if you came alone and don’t live with anyone else with lice, you can skip the goop if you had a clear head check!

Once everyone has been gooped and shower-capped, we’re all done! You did it! You are now lice-free. Just make sure to follow the at-home cleaning and prevention tips and you’ll be good to go. ☺

* Due to COVID-19 precautions, we will be offering only the Saline Treatment for the time being.

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