
Pesticides, pregnancy, and protecting your children.

Head lice is typically thought of to be a children’s problem, but did you know 80% of moms catch lice? Our moms are our safe place, and all those cuddles, hugs, bed sharing, and story time on mom’s lap means mom can catch lice pretty easily. Mom is also usually the one doing the hours and hours of combing, which can spread lice (momma, keep your hair under a shower cap when combing out nits!). But what do you do when you’re pregnant? Or if you have a small child with lice? The pesticides in most lice treatments have been linked to some pretty nasty stuff.


Our Headwinds device uses technology to dehydrate nits without chemicals. That makes it safe for pregnant mothers and children! Our dimethicone rinse kills everything crawling within 10 minutes, and is completely non-toxic. For children too young for our Headwinds treatment, dimethicone and combing is a great option that actually works. We are always willing to answer questions and go over comb out methods! Keeping your family safe is important to us. Our lice treatments can get you lice free without any of the risks associated with OTC or prescription treatments, and no combing at home!


Click here to book now, or here for more information on our procedures.