It’s Sports Season!


It’s football season! Which means it’s also cheerleading and marching band season. I know teenagers in football, marching band, color guard, lacrosse, drumline, and cross country. Sports are great! Anything with a team gives children (and adults!) a sense of family, that tight friend group that welcomes you in and makes you belong.

Unfortunately, having people that close often leads to lice. Shared baseball helmets in Little League, volleyball team sleepovers, the swim team that lends brushes between girls. These are all great ways to share head lice. Even team pictures can have people close enough to share head lice. Once it finds its way onto a team, the only way to be really clear of it is to have everybody be lice free at the same time.

That’s where we come in. We can eradicate lice from your entire team in one weekend, often one day. Between head checks, our in-clinic treatments, and our DIY options, we can get the whole team, including coaches, back into practice and winning games without the distraction of an itchy head. Our Peppermint Spritz and Spearmint Conditioner helps keep you lice free, and buns and braids instead of pony tails will keep loose hair from a louse’s tiny claws. Overall, our head lice treatment will get you lice free and out the door in time for your next practice, and you won’t miss a single beat.

Share the love (not lice)