Entries by Knoxville Lice Clinic

House Cleaning for Head Lice

Cleaning your house is vital to getting head lice out of your life. With so much misinformation on the internet, I wanted to give you a list of what to clean and how to do it, so you can move right on with your lice-free life. Wash all bedding, towels, and clothing used by infested […]

Head Lice Prevention Month

September is Head Lice Prevention month, a good time to call attention to the facts of head lice as children go back to school—typically a peak period for the head-loving bugs. Once children start playing, hugging, and taking selfies with friends, and, if someone in the group has head lice, the bugs will spread.  Parents […]

It’s Sports Season!

  It’s football season! Which means it’s also cheerleading and marching band season. I know teenagers in football, marching band, color guard, lacrosse, drumline, and cross country. Sports are great! Anything with a team gives children (and adults!) a sense of family, that tight friend group that welcomes you in and makes you belong. Unfortunately, […]

At Home Comb Outs

We offer our product line for curbside pickup or shipped directly to your house! To order, visit our online store.  Every purchase comes with over the phone lice advice from one of our trained clinicians.   There are several reasons a family doesn’t want to get a full treatment. Our commitment to our community is […]

One Marvelous Lice-Free Year!

This weekend marks one year since we opened our doors! Thank you to each and every one of you we have seen. You let us be a part of your family while you are here, and we truly enjoy helping our customers. Here are some things we’ve done in the last year: seen 605 families […]

Hair dye and head lice

Many people believe that dying hair can get rid of head lice because of the chemicals used. This is a common misconception, since no liquid can kill the eggs! All it will do is tint the nit. The only way to treat a lice infestation is to receive our Headwinds heat treatment or have us […]

Lice Prevention

There are many old wives tales concerning lice prevention, but we have your best options! We work with lice every day, and have some tips and tricks to avoid catching it yourself. Wear your hair up! It takes THREE SECONDS for a louse to crawl from someone’s head to yours. This means a hug, picking […]

Differently Abled and Lice Treatment

Lice is a huge problem for every family, but differently abled families have different concerns. Since we opened, we’ve had several new experiences and our staff has made each person comfortable while we got rid of their lice. For our non-verbal clients, we explain the procedure and book the appointment via text. They are able […]